
Casino Poker Tipping Etiquette

Casino Poker Tipping Etiquette 6,3/10 8819 votes

Lot of our website visitors always ask me how much i tip when i go to land based casinos. Ive decided to write an article discussing Tipping Etiquette In Casinos. Since we are already going to a casino and are prepared to spend money, a few extra $$ wont hurt and it will make the workers life a little happier. So here is my Tipping Etiquette In Casinos for different people.

Slot Hand Pays

This one I set at a fixed amount, no matter if I am winning or as usual losing. Some of the numbers will seem a little low, and you got to remember when we are making bigger bets we might hit 20-30 hand pays in a night and still wind up losing. Here is my hand pay tips:

Similarly to the way there is a tipping etiquette, there is also a protocol for how a casino’s employees treat its guests. If you receive poor service in any part of the establishment, you are not. Many casinos offer free beverages to their players, including poker players. A cocktail waitress will usually come around and take your order and then deliver your free drink to you. It is customary to tip the cocktail waitress for delivering your free drink.

  • $1200 – $2000 hand pay = $10 Tip
  • $2000 – $5000 hand pay = $20 Tip
  • $5000 -$10,000 hand pay = $40 Tip
  • Over $10,000 will give a $50
  • If a huge hit is won, like a major progressive would tip from $100 to $1000 depending on size of win

Tipping The Waitresses

  • Slot players don’t interact with dealers on every play, as table games players do. There are far fewer situations in which tipping casino personnel is common behavior. On slots, the main tipping situation comes with hand-paid jackpots. Most slot machine payoffs just add credits to the meter.
  • As far as casino tipping etiquette is concerned, at times, it can be quite confusing. Even, in places like Las Vegas, where money floats in the air; at times, people tend to wonder who to tip and how much to tip. And if it is confusing in Las Vegas; you can well imagine how difficult.

Most of us will order a drink at some point in the day or night. Be it coffee,water,soda or alcohol. My preferred drinks are coffee in the daytime and Chivas & Coke at night. For the day shift for my coffee i usually tip $1, if my wife is with me, she likes tea, I tip a $1 per, if we add in 2 bottles of water to the order i make it $3. At night I like to tip $2 for a drink order as i feel mixed drinks take a little longer to make. Again if with the wife and we order 2 drinks i like to round it up to $5.

The Valet


We always tip the valet, from what i hear they are one of the lowest paid casino employee. I split the valet tip between from when i leave the car off to when i pick it us as they are usually different people. I like to give $2 on drop off and $3 on pick up.

Bell Man

If we are staying in the hotel and have baggage we always use the Bellhop. I ask the person taking the bags from the car if they are the one bringing the luggage up to the room. If they are i wait for them to bring it up before tipping. I start at $5 for 3 bags, if we have more stuff i will raise it to $10.

Table Games Tipping

I like to play blackjack. In blackjack dealers always tell me they do not like direct tips, they would rather you bet the money for them. My comfort zone in blackjack is from $200-$1000 per hand. I usually throw a $25 bet for the dealers once per dealer. When dealer is changed I do it again. So probable throw 2-3 $25 bets for the dealers every hour. Sometimes when going on good runs, will throw a hundred out there for the dealers.

Hotel Room Maids

Hardly anyone leaves any $$ for the maids cleaning the room. There is usually a little envelope on the night stand for the maids. I ALWAYS tips the maids. You always get better service, be it more towels (which you can later steal. lol ), New and extra soaps, and a cleaner room. I leave the maids $10 the first night I am in the room, after that it ranges from $5-$10 a night, depending on how dirty room in. Have had some instances of room being extra dirty, me or wife drinking too much and one of us might throw up maybe would leave a $20 for this and an apology note.

It is nice to take care of other people. You will be surprised at how much better your casino service is when you tip people. You might not be able to tip the same amounts, but even a $1 will show your appreciation to people who are serving you.

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How Much to Tip (Casino Tipping)

Casino Poker Tipping Etiquette Rules

Hi thanks for coming to this how much to tip tipping guide & etiquette page. Find out below how much to tip dealers, slot attendants, valet service, waiters, bell hops, maids, and many more. Just down a paragraph or two is a tipping calculator for individual and group billing and tipping calculations. Hope it helps and you like it!

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I Humbly Accept Your Tips for my Hard Work and Thank-you for your Support. How much to tip the Tipping Host? Read on and see how much is standard tipping in the restaurant, casino and hotel industry.

How Much to Tip: Tip Calculators

Here’s one handy for calculating tips right now.

Individual Tip Calculator

Get the Apple free tip calculator here: You will always know how much to tip! Add this to your phone, or just bookmark our page!

Shared tipping and billing calculators:

Are you sharing the bill? Get the Sharing Tip Calculator Here for multiple people. It calculates the tip per person and the total cost per person. Very Handy Calculator Get it Here

Here is a tip calculator for your own website to embed.


One more tip calculator that’s good here

That should keep you up to date for easy figuring on how much to tip everyone! Ollie hopes they can help! Read on for How Much to Tip Everyone Everywhere…..

Casino-Tipping-How-Much-to-Tip Copyright: www.123rf.com/profile_zinkevych

Casino Tipping Guide

Most of us tip the dealers in the casinos right? Come on sure you do. We have all seen the cheap ones who hog everything for themselves though. Yup, some people do not even tip the waiter or the cab driver! Ah Yes, but what about Karma? Yup good karma and bad karma, leaving a tip is good karma, especially if you win.

It will be a positive boost to your Karma credits and good luck adding to the rewards in your future when you play casinos, or online casino games, or at the very least help make you feel good as well. We also tip the maids, valet service, bell hop, taxi driver and many more. Lets take a look at much to tip now:

Tipping the Poker Dealers

Casino-Tipping-How-Much-to-Tip-DealerCopyright:: www.123rf.com/profile_zinkevych

How much to tip the Poker Dealer?

How often do you see chips being given to the black jack or roulette dealer thanking them for big payouts, and dealing good cards, and lucky hits on your numbers. Quite often.

Same goes for slots. Some People tip the waitress well when she comes by all the time, and especially after a big win. Why? She might be bringing you positive karma, good vibes, and you are winning! So keep tipping and keep him or her coming back!

Some also tip the people paying them out big wins! One hundred, two hundred….. 700, and 50 makes 750 for your win. Then you say thanks and here’s 10 for you! Great Thanks! Good luck! is your reply from the gleaming slot payout attendant.

Some pay 1 per cent of total win. 40 dollars for a 4 grand hit is fine. Especially if you win in a state where you have to pay taxes on winnings. I hate that. Oh you hit 1500 while in Vegas, gotta see your id, we have to take taxes off! Ugh. I hate that. Winnings in Canada, here you go, congratulations what you win is what you keep. Thanks very much Canada.

Of course there is no rule for how much to tip the dealer or the slot attendant. Its totally up to you. Most people do tip 10-40 dollars and up for wins over 1000 1200 whatever the amount may be that requires a hand pay. Those days are fading though with the ticket pay out systems vs good old fashioned coins that use to fall out. I love the coins and the hand pay! Its all part of the Vegas, and Reno style I am accustomed to over the years from back in the day. I hate the paper tickets now.

Now your machine cools off and you head to the bar. Again you think how much to tip the bartender. You go grab a bite to eat and tip the waiter or waitress. Later that night, when at home, those who you tipped after winning and using their services reflect on your generosity and they remember you! Think Positive about you!. Yup that Guy or Gal were awesome for tipping me today I can get those new shoes for Little Tommy that he needed now.

Hotel Service Tipping

How Much to Tip Hotel Maids Copyright: www.123rf.com/profile_kolotype

How much to Tip Casino Hotel Maids?

The poor hotel maids. They are often overlooked by everyone because no one really sees or at least has to interact with them personally. They frequently get missed out on when cleaning a room for tips.

No your empty beer and wine bottles don’t count as a tip. lol…. Seriously, please tip these hard working ladies who have to make beds, and clean messy bathroom toilets and showers. Plus vacuum all the bits of food up that you spilled from room service, or the snacks you ate or the pizza you ordered.

Casino Poker Tipping Etiquette Tips

The only thing is if your having an extended stay make sure to leave the tip but with a hand written note telling them its for their service. They will not gather up your change or small bills sitting there when your on an extended stay as they know how long you are there for because they are given guest lists with room numbers and lengths of stay. This way they know when its time to not just freshen the room but give it the full scrub down and reload of new towels, soap, shampoo etc.

When its check out day leave them a note thanking them and put whatever you feel is appropriate under the note in cash on the table. You can do this daily or do it at the end of your stay all at once.

Just know that if you tip every day, you will most often get better service. Fresh sheets, maybe, maybe not, but more towels, a fuller more stocked coffee tray, lots of extra soap, and such. They have to do a decent job tip or not to keep from getting fired. So tip them 2 to 5 bucks a day depending on how bad you are trashing the room.

When travelling with the whole family I know the hotel room gets a lot messier with lots of bits on the floor all over and so how much to tip the hotel maid? I tip 5 dollars. 1-2 dollars a day when by myself and the room is basically untouched. Tip the maid 5 dollars a day or more if your wealthy. But for us common folk 5 dollars is the maximum amount you need to tip the maids. Don’t be cheap!

Valet Service Tipping at Your Local Casino

How Much to Tip Valet Copyright: www.123rf.com/profile_andreypopov

How much to Tip Valet Service?

5 bucks. That’s the average. That is what I tip. 5 each time. If I was rich, a movie star, had oodles of money and driving a Ferrari? Then maybe more like a hundred bucks. But for now my truck garners a 5 buck tip for you. Tip what you want but make sure you do.

How would you feel as a valet if someone cheapened out on you? Hopefully they don’t wipe snot on your steering wheel or something funky like that. But who knows now a days, it could be worse. Please don’t take my truck out and punch it to see what a Hemi can do! AH. I better tip 10.

Restaurant Tipping

How Much to Tip the WaiterCopyright:www.123rf.com/profile_nordroden

How much to Tip the Waiter?

15% is the average and the norm how much to tip the waiter or waitress. Tips range from 0 to Hundreds of Dollars with the occasional stories of Thousands of dollar tips to lucky waitresses from rich movie stars and Business People.

The normal range low to high is 10% to 20% with 15 being the average. Common thought among the cheap no tippers is well since my service was crappy I’m not tipping. Problem is, the tips are often times split among the wait staff, hostess, cook, and bus boy/dishwasher.

If the plates and silverware were clean, and the food great and the hostess pleasant then why should they suffer because we did not get smiled at, or brought our coffee or beer or wine fast enough. We must think of everyone in the chain who gets paid a portion of these tips.

These people are not well off by any means and rely on tips to make ends meet. If I cannot afford to go out and spend 20 dollars on lunch without being able to tip a few dollars then I will stay home and so should the cheap o’s. Make a peanut butter sandwich and see if it smiles at you. lol…if it does, your having way too much fun.

Tipping Is Good Karma and Normal for Casinos

Yup, and it will go a long way, perhaps they can afford to treat their family with a night out for dinner now. Yes Going around and Coming Around good luck and money tipping mojo….

Yup, tipping is a norm in the Gambling Entertainment Business, no different than the Dining and Bar tending Business. Everyone tips the waiter, waitress and bartender, well most do it, and some do not. However if you believe in Good Vibes, Good Karma, Good Luck, and In What Goes Around Comes Around then tipping when Good Fortune Strikes is no Different.

Have you ever tipped the furniture movers? Yes! How about the bus or cab driver on your way home from the casino. Yes! How much to tip is up to you. Generally 5 to 10 bucks makes anyone smile, give less than 2 bucks or no tip, and they probably wont want to open the door for you the next time they see you.

Tip the Casino Hotel Bell Hop

How much to Tip the Bell Hop/Bell Boy?

Yup, Got another 5 dollar bill in my hand. Same thing as the valet. 5 bucks all around. I make sure I got plenty of US 5 dollar bills for tipping or 5 dollars CA but in Canada usually lots of loonies and toonies in my pocket make for easy tipping everyone from valet to the bartender to the waitress right down to the bathroom attendant if there is one where I am staying.

The Bell Hop is one of my most welcomed people I want to see and use to help me bring all my heavy luggage and beer to my room. I want to save my back for use in the future. Letting these guys haul all the heavy stuff around makes my start and finish at the hotel oh so much better.

Who all do we Tip? Common People Receiving Tips are:

  • Dealer
  • Slot Attendant
  • Cashier
  • Waiter Waitress
  • Bar Tender
  • Cab Driver Bus Driver
  • Valet
  • Housekeeper
  • Hotel Maid
  • Bathroom Attendant
  • Street Vendors
  • Street Performers
  • Tour Guides
  • Bell Hop
  • Room Service
  • Coffee Shop Employees after handing you your delicious Morning Coffee

Ollie loves to Provide you with Gambling Tips and Tricks and Free Spins No Deposit Casino Codes and Freebies and thanks you in Kind for your Tips back. He Hopes you enjoyed this Tipping Page and How much to Tip Guide for your next casino vacation trip hotel, or restaurant visit.

Tips For Ollie at PokerShopBiz

PokerShopBiz Ollies Gamblin Blog Casino Tipping Guide

How much to tip you Ollie?

Send anything over by PayPal to help me keep the lights on and the animals fed. $1 a page for every page that helps you when you read it sounds fair if your a true casino tipper on the look out for good karma from me to you and winning on games joined through the site. Or just round it off at 5 dollars and go read all my pages and collect all the great bonuses and free spins I have found for you here. There are tons of deposit and no deposit bonuses on offer.

If you win any amount at a poker tournament casino game or slot machine 1 per cent would be fabulous. Or tip nothing at all, just do me the honor of keeping the lights on at my site by using the links and ads provided to sign up to poker and casino exclusive real money offers here at PokerShopBiz Ollies Gamblin Blog. Why let the big corporations keep all the money? Make them pay you some with the bonuses and free spins and me some by using the links provided here. lol…Enjoy the site, have fun, link to us at your favorite pages and come back often. ♥

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Casino Poker Tipping Etiquette Advice

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