
Difference Between American Roulette And European Roulette

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As back as the 19th century, European Roulette came with 38 pockets with 1 to 36 numbers and two pockets of single and double zeros. Yes! You read that right! Even European Roulette had double zeros. The spin-off of the European Roulette was American Roulette that came with just 31 pockets that had 1 to 28 numbers and also single and double zeros along with an eagle pocket.

  1. Difference Between American Roulette And European Roulette Poker
  2. Difference Between American Roulette And European Roulette Machines
  3. Difference Between American Roulette And European Roulette Rules

Fast forward to current times, you can find European Roulette table with single zero and American Roulette with single and double zeros. This has remained standard for a few decades now. But this is not the only difference between these two most popular table games. There are much more differences that prevail between these two, read on to know more.

  • The difference between American Roulette and European Roulette: There are several features of American Roulette that make it stand out from its European counterpart. American Roulette has the additional zero by employing the use of the “ double zero ” (00).
  • The only difference is that the American roulette table has two zero betting options. The differences between the American and European roulette tables are minimal and come down to the point above about the extra zero. However, you may find yourself curious about what some of the terms mean on the French roulette table.

House Edge difference between European and American Roulette

The European Roulette was the first game to be invented, and it resulted from what is referred to as the French Roulette. It, later on, spread to the American continent, where they made modifications to it and formed their new variant, the American Roulette. Difference Between European and American Roulette. Roulette is a favourite game for thousands of casino players around the world. Whether you play this competitive game in a brick and mortar casino or online, you are bound to come across familiar wagering options as well as the wheel.

The American Roulette comes with the house edge of 5.26% while the European comes with 2.7%. Looking at the figures, it is evident that the American Roulette that comes with double zeros has a higher edge compared to the single zero European Roulette.

Special Rules inEuropean and American Roulette

Both the forms of Roulette game come with their own set of special rules that gives certain privileges to the players.

  • Basket Bet

In American Roulette, basket bet options lets the players wage on the first five numbers i.e., 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3. These numbers come with a house edge of whopping 7.89% which is sure to keep the players satisfied by this game. Also, there is a 13.16% odds of winning this game.

  • Surrender Rule

This rule is also applicable in American Roulette and is inculcated in the game by certain American casinos at certain times only. According to this rule, if the player bets on an even number and loses because either 0 or 00 is elected, they get refunded half of their wager amount.

  • La Partage
Difference between american roulette and european roulette numbers

In European Roulette, La Partage option is given to the players which are somewhat similar to the surrender rule of American Roulette. This option is for the players that bet on even numbers and loses it when the ball lands on 0. In this case, players get half of their wager returned to them. The house edge reduces on the even-money bets to about 1.35%.

  • En Prison

This option can also be found in the European Roulette game. Even this gets applied only on even number bets. Here is how it works: Consider the ball stops on zero in the wheel. Now the dealer keeps a marker by the wage amount which shows that the rule of ‘En prison’ will be applied further. The dealer spins the ball again and if the player wins in this spin he is allowed to keep his original waging amount completely.

Meaning if the player wagers $50 on any of the even numbers and an even number appears on the wheel immediately after a zero, then the players wins the game and gets to keep his waging amount. If an odd number appears after a zero, then the players lose his entire bet.

Both games have certain similarities and certain differences. Now it is up to the player to choose the appropriate ones that they think is best for them.

Difference between american roulette and european roulette games

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The game of roulette, French for “little wheel,” changed drastically when it hit America in the 18th and 19th centuries. Call it greed or good old American ingenuity, American casinos and gaming properties figured out a way to alter the rules and the wheel itself just a little and make roulette much more profitable for the house.

American roulette vs. European roulette is not really a debate; it is clear which is better for the gambler and which is better for the casino. Here’s a breakdown of the standard American roulette game compared to the standard European game.

Roulette Wheels American vs. Euro
The most obvious difference between American and European roulette games is the spinning wheel itself. European roulette refers to a version of the game with a wheel containing the numbers 0-36. The American version of roulette adds a 00 space, raising the number of possible winning numbers from 37 to 38. The inclusion of that one extra wagering space has the biggest impact on the odds of roulette. In European roulette (without an ‘en prison’ rule), all bets give the house a 2.7% edge. In American roulette, every bet but one gives the house an edge of 5.26%, nearly double the edge of the standard European wheel.

Difference Between American Roulette And European RouletteDifference Between American Roulette And European Roulette

Difference Between American Roulette And European Roulette Poker

Roulette Rules American vs. Euro
But the difference between the two games doesn’t stop at the numbered wheel itself. There’s a rule in some European roulette games called ‘en prison’ that pushes the house edge even further towards 0. When you play by ‘en prison’ rules in European roulette, losses on even-money bets due to the zero space coming up a winner aren’t immediately lost. Instead, they remain on the board (in prison, get it?) for another spin. If the bet wins, you get your initial wager back but not any additional money for the win. If you lose the best, you lose the wager. Should the zero space come up a winner again, your bet remains in prison.

The ‘en prison’ rule in effect at some European roulette games changes the overall house edge on even-money bets to just 1.35%, making it one of the more attractive wagers among all table games in Europe.

Some American roulette games offer a rule similar to ‘en prison,’ called the Surrender rule. Typically, you’ll find the Surrender rule in effect in casinos in Atlantic City, though Surrender roulette is available elsewhere in the country too. The Surrender rule applies to even-money bets that lose due to the ball landing in either the 0 or 00 space, just like the ‘en prison’ rule. The difference is that the American Surrender rule means you get half your even-money wager back if a 0 or 00 comes up a winner. American roulette games with a Surrender rule offer even-money bets with a smaller house edge of 2.63%.

Roulette Chips American vs. Euro
There’s a tradition in American roulette games involving chips that you won’t find in European casinos. In American roulette games, even those with single zero European style wheels, each player has their own color of chips, to help differentiate the bets. This is because American roulette games employ a single croupier who must keep track of who bet what, rake in casino winnings, and pay out gambler wins all at the same time. The differently-colored chips help the croupier and players remember who bet on what spot. At the end of a roulette session in America, you trade in these chips just like you would other gaming chips.

In European roulette games, there are usually two croupiers at work. European roulette games use the same chips used elsewhere in the casino, and the games depend on the croupier’s memories to determine who placed what bet on which space.


This difference in chips is a perfect example of how the culture of roulette is different from America to Europe. American casinos prize speed over luxury, employing a single croupier and using different colors of chips to speed up the payout process for wins. In Europe, the game of roulette is a sophisticated game that moves at a slower pace, employs two casino workers per table, and takes a little longer to determine who earned what payout.

Roulette Strategy American vs. Euro
Roulette is a negative expectation game, so there’s no such thing as roulette strategy. However, you can use your head when it comes to selecting the roulette game you want to play and avoid the less advantageous American wheels and odds.

Difference Between American Roulette And European Roulette Machines

The best strategy for winning a little more and losing a little less at roulette is to avoid American style roulette games completely. Some Las Vegas casinos and every Atlantic City casino has at least one European style game, either with a single zero wheel, ‘en prison’ or Surrender rules, or both. If you do your homework before your next trip to Vegas or Atlantic City, you can find these more advantageous games before you hit the casino, saving you time walking around looking for that single zero wheel.

Make no mistake: you still stand to lose at European single zero roulette wheels, even those with ‘en prison’ rules in place. The difference is that you’re likely to lose a little less at single zero wheels than double zero wheels. Losses at European wheels are statistically about 1/4th the expected losses at double zero American style roulette games.

Difference Between American Roulette And European Roulette Rules

It is easy to see why roulette is a more popular game in European casinos than in American gambling spots. The European version of the game is simply more player-friendly. Even though the casino will always profit from roulette, since it involves negative odds for the gambler, European casinos offer their customers better odds, and players respond by playing more roulette. In American casinos where single zero games are offered, there is no reason to play a double zero wheel, unless the single zero European style game is overcrowded.